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A member registered Jan 21, 2022

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I thought it looked kinda cute :)

98.53% :/

(1 edit)

Damn. The "I'll just stop talking" part is accurate it hurts...

cool game. That made me smile :)

Me too... the game made me realize I had this phobia, and it was the first time I heard about it

no problem! Glad it helped you

Amazing game. i love it.. :')

(1 edit)

Cute :)))

So cute :))

(2 edits)

A game that is so short, but so deep...

That was really sweet... I like it :)

(9 edits)


1st ending - Marlowe die with the infection 

-Treat Niall badly during the game

-During the "father conversation" with Niall (day 9), any choice will lead you to this ending

2nd ending - "Until death do us part"

-Treat Niall well during the game

-During the "father conversation" with Niall (day 9), any choice will lead you to this ending

3rd ending - You drown in the lake

-Treat Niall badly on day 6

-Choose "A lovely day to spend with Niall" in day 7

-On day 9, during the "father conversation" with Niall, choose "I doubt you actually know what a great father is, Niall"

-Lose in the "a" "d" system

4th ending - You get rid of the infection

-All the process in the 3rd end, but win in the "a" "d" system to get out of the lake

(1 edit)

It's an awesome game.


It was a very different experience... A kind of horror that works really well in the game. It made me feel terrified, scared, and desperate at the same time. And the way they worked with the tokophobia... it gave me the chills. 

Great work!